Time has been standing still

I was chided today by an assistant circuit attorney for my lack of recent postings. My excuse was “it’s difficult to find anything meaningful to post about when your blog is about what’s happening in the 22nd Judicial Circuit and nothing is happening!”

Yeah, some assistant circuit attorneys have come and gone, the CAO has a new Chief Trial Attorney, Marvin Teer, and jury trials have been canceled again. But things in the 22nd Judicial Circuit have pretty much been at a standstill.

That standstill has of course created its own problems. For example, numerous riots in the Justice Center.


But my hope is that 2022 will provide some much-needed drama. Popcorn-worthy drama.

I’m hoping we get to see Circuit Attorney’s Kim Gardner’s disciplinary hearing on the allegations that she failed to disclose evidence to the defense team in the Greiten’s case, then lied to the court about it, and then repeated her lies to the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel, which is scheduled for late February.


That should be entertaining. And, then there is her investigator’s perjury trial scheduled for March.


The added bonus is that with these we will likely get the displays of support (typically on the court house steps) by clueless but passionate people who will insist that this is all the result of a racist conspiracy by the powers-that-be to stop the wonderful justice reforms that Kim Gardner is bringing us. God Bless Them.

Yes, 2022 could put on a really good show. Keep those fingers crossed.