It must really be embarrassing to assemble a team of your assistant prosecuting attorneys, provide them each in advance with specific circuit attorney office duties they will be responsible for, load them into two black SUVs, drive with them from Clayton to the City, and show up at the Circuit Attorney’s Office — with your press spokesman — expecting cameras and the press to record your heroic taking over of the CAO, only to find representatives from the Attorney General’s Office asking you what the hell you think you’re doing.
Then — after you sputter out that Kim and you had met several times the proceeding week and worked out a plan for you to take over for her, and that she had given the presiding judge a proposed order (illegally) transferring all her powers to you, only to be told that Judge Hogan had (properly) refused to sign the order, that the constitution and statutes of Missouri provide no authority for Gardner to transfer her powers to anyone, and that you needed to leave, only then do you realize what a fool you have been.