Below is a graph which shows the number of COVID-19 cases – the blue line – in St. Louis City.

As you can see, the numbers have steadily been increasing. We’ve not yet even hit the peak.
The Missouri Supreme Court, in its order pertaining to reopening of Missouri Circuit Courts, has indicated that for a Circuit to move from a Phase 0, where the 22nd Judicial Circuit is presently, to a Phase 1, that Circuit must be able to show “improvement” over the preceding 14 days (the virus’ incubation period). As the number of cases in the City has not decreased – which can be the only metric the Supreme Court was referring to in terms of improvement – I do not see how we can reasonably expect to be moving to a Phase 1 anytime in the near future. Even if the City’s numbers began falling today, they would have to continue to fall for the next two weeks for the 22nd Judicial Circuit to be able to apply to the Supreme Court for a Phasee 1 designation.
Judge Burlison said at the En Banc meeting yesterday that his order pertaining to the 22nd Judicial Circuit’s shutdown should come out later this week. At this point, it seems a sure bet that we are going to remain at Phase 0 for some time.